Carol Adams, President and C.E.O

In  my over 35 years of experience, I have encountered business owners whose  lack of accounting knowledge and experience have deprived them of  correctly evaluating their company’s performance,  being  deprived of funding and becoming victims of excessive taxation.

This is a  harsh reality because they are unable to produce comprehensive  Financial Statements. In many cases, they could not afford to hire a  bookkeeper or accountant to handle the very aspect of their business  that would cause them to progress.   

I  have also discovered that not many accounting professionals are willing  to go through the painstaking efforts required to work closely with  business owners who find themselves in these types of situations.   

By successfully  providing Systems Analysis to both small and large-scale businesses,  our services can streamline  finances with professional but  affordable accounting, bookkeeping services and support.   (These include sole proprietors, service based companies, churches, retailers, educational institutions etc.)
